Sunday, April 15, 2012

Quote of the Week 4/15


  1. Dear Allie,
    Sorry to bother you if I am, but I need some help. My sister is going to be leaving for college soon and I don't want her to! I will be the only one at my house besides my dad and brother. How am I supposed to deal with girl troubles without her?

  2. Dear Cammie,
    You aren't bothering me at all! I am thrilled to be helping you. :) I'm sorry to hear that your sister is leaving soon, but college will be such a great opportunity for her. Don't worry about your girl troubles... You'll probably be able to call, email, facebook, or even write to your sister alot. It might take a while to send letters to her through the post office, but let her know how much you love her! You two could send pictures to each other with your letters even! Do something unique to communicate your problems with her, and who knows? Maybe the sisterly bond will become closer.
    Thank you for choosing me for advice! :)
    P.S. You can always write me again! ;)

  3. Thanks so much and I definately will be writing again!
